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CDS Tools Page
EZ Path Lathe 16.5" x 40.0" manual or automatic , 32 bit processor
Summit Lathe 12.0 x 32.0 with taper attachment and collets
Surface Grinder:
Boyer Shultz Surface Grinder with 6.1 x 12.0 magnetic chuck
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Summit 250 manual band saw, capacity 10.5 diameter 10.25 flat - 10.25 x 9.25 rectangle
Vertical band saw with capacity 14" x 7-7/8"
Miller 300 amp, dial-arc high frequency tig welder with the capacity to weld a variety of metals with varying thickness
Miscellaneous Equipment:
Drill presses, hand grinders, fixture table/welding, belt sander, pedestal grinders, oxygen/acetylene torches
Inspection Equipment:
Numberex Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM)
Limited SPC capabilities
Approved Mil-I-45208A specifications
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